Benefits of Pilates for desk workers.
As the pandemic has created a shift to a “new normal” and working from home, the existing health risks posed from desk work have only been amplified! Being tethered to our home workstations for upwards of 6-8 hours a day can cause a world of issues, from back pain to muscle aches and joint problems.
Essentially, sitting in the same position every day without moving can have detrimental effects on the body, creating muscular imbalances and a very unhappy and uncomfortable version of yourself!
There is an increasing number of work-related illnesses recorded each year due to the negative side effects associated with being desk workers. Unfortunately, there is a failure to remedy them.
Pilates can help you not only by counteracting the detrimental effects of inactivity, but also by improving your postural muscles, mobility, and habits during the working day. As Pilates works to address stable muscles, we should also understand that there is no perfect posture, but that a balance with movement is required to optimize our health.
During a session, you can realign the body and work the muscles that are neglected or overly tight from desk-oriented work life. Over time, you can even incorporate this learning into your working life, so that proper alignment becomes the norm in your day instead of the exception.
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