Walking on clouds.

Our feet have one of the most important jobs out there: to carry our bodies all day long!


Each foot (including the ankle) has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than one hundred muscles, tendons and ligaments. They do so much for us, but can you think of the last time you spent 10-15 minutes working on strengthening the muscles of your feet? They are our foundation and much like a house, creating a strong foundation ensures the rest of the structure is stable on top and our bodies are no different. 

Foot Anatomy _ Acuity Pilates
Feet and Footwork _ Acuity Pilates

Though many people have an understanding that Pilates “works the core,” there is actually a lot of emphasis placed on proper alignment during exercises—which starts from the bottom. Footwork in Pilates can feel great because for most of our day, our feet are contained in shoes that are often restrictive of normal movement. Pilates works on creating a stronger internal support system and helping our bodies become stronger as a whole. Try this short routine daily and let us know how you feel; you might just feel like you’re walking on clouds!


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Upside down, inside out.


3 things you don’t know about Pilates.